Are there ever cases where you don’t eventually need a joinpath on the results? I suppose readdir() (in the cwd) is one such case, as is the interactive “what’s in this folder” case (but I use ;ls for that). I think every time I’ve done a readdir I’ve needed to do a subsequent joinpath. Of course we can’t change the default now, but adding a keyword option seems reasonable.
I’m not sure the keyword name should be abspath as the point isn’t getting an absolute path, but rather it’s to join the directory to each result so you can immediately reference the results directly from the same CWD.
I think abspath is more explicit, since if you do readdir("foo/bar", join=true), you might expect that you will get foo/bar/*. abspath on the other hand would suggest that you will get /the/absolute/path/to/foo/bar/*.
Of course, all this only holds if we want the absolute path to be returned I think in most cases it doesn’t make a difference if it’s relative or absolute…