Read a single element vs array from stream

Since the single case is used often, I use read1T as a convenience function.

Novice question: can the two functions be combined without violating type stability?

Or, more generally, does Union{T, AbstractArray{T}} as input or output type already get a performance hit?

function readnT(io, n, T, Tr)
    s = sizeof(T)
    f = UInt8[s]
    readbytes!(io, f, n*s)
    return Tr.(reinterpret(T, f))

function read1T(io, T, Tr)
    s = sizeof(T)
    f = UInt8[s]
    readbytes!(io, f, s)
    return Tr.(reinterpret(T, f))[1]

Have you tried read(io, T) and read!(io, array) from the standard library?
The first reads one value of T, the second reads until array is full.


interesting way to read the correct amount of data, thx!

Continued here.