I’m trying to output a DataFrame as a Feather file from a Julia script and then import it into R. When I try to load it, though, R crashes (RGui closes out immediately, RStudio gives me an “R session aborted: R encountered a fatal error” popup). I can reproduce it using this MWE:
using DataFrames, Feather
df = DataFrame(a = ["foo", "bar", "baz"], b = randn(3))
Feather.write("test.feather", df)
In R:
I can read and write feather files from R without problems, so it seems there is something getting lost in translation from the Julia side. Anybody have any ideas?
On Windows 10, using:
Julia v1.1.1, DataFrames v0.18.3, Feather v0.5.2
R v3.6.0, feather v0.3.3