I have a question relating to code design. I’m using some ODE solvers to calculate a system of ODEs with time-varying coefficients which I am interested in. They take on the form F
, G
, and dG
in the MWE and depend on some parameters which I’ve defined in a separate struct. The fact that the functions are listed twice seems to be an obvious case of code smell, but there’s a couple issues
only takes unary arguments, but e.g. G
depends on parameters b
and c
(the actual function also depends on something like u[1] + u[2]
- The actual function to differentiate depends on
in a much more complicated manner than G
below, with several layers of functions in t
. G
is needed in the solver, but once the solver is done, I don’t have access to G
without copying the function definition.
In the real code, there are about a dozen parameters and a dozen functions like the three I’ve given, so I’d like to only write them out once. Is this a case of using the integrator interface? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
import ForwardDiff
struct Parameters{T}
function f(du, u, p, t)
F(t) = sqrt(p.a * t)
G(t) = p.b - exp(-p.c * t)
dG(t) = ForwardDiff.derivative(G, t)
du[1] = -F(t) * u[2] + dG(t)
du[2] = +G(t) * u[1]
p = Parameters(0.5, 0.7, 0.2)
u0 = [1.0, 0.0]; tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
prob = ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
F(t) = sqrt(p.a * t)
G(t) = p.b - exp(-p.c * t)
dG(t) = ForwardDiff.derivative(G, t)
# plot F, G, dG, etc...
plt = plot(F, tspan...)
plot!(G, tspan...)
An easy alternative: modify your functions to take your parameter struct as an argument:
F(p, t) = sqrt(p.a * t)
G(p, t) = p.b - exp(-p.c * t)
dG(p, t) = ForwardDiff.derivative(t -> G(p, t), t)
function f(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = -F(p, t) * u[2] + dG(p, t)
du[2] = G(p, t) * u[1]
dG(p, t) = ForwardDiff.derivative(t -> G(p, t), t)
Thanks, I will keep this type of line in mind.
However I must ask what to do in the case that G
or dG
depends on u
as well. For example if I multiplied G
by u[1] + u[2]
Just pass another argument:
G(u, p, t) = (u[1] + u[2])*(p.b - exp(-p.c * t))
dG(u, p, t) = ForwardDiff.derivative(t -> G(u, p, t), t)
A separate note: for small state vectors, you can get a decent speed-up by using a StaticVector
instead of a Vector
function g(u, p, t)
du1 = -F(p, t) * u[2] + dG(p, t)
du2 = G(p, t) * u[1]
SA[du1, du2]
prob_f = ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, (a = 0.5, b = 0.7, c = 0.2))
prob_g = ODEProblem(g, SA[1.0, 0.0], tspan, (a = 0.5, b = 0.7, c = 0.2))
julia> @btime solve($prob_f, Tsit5());
8.700 μs (94 allocations: 12.17 KiB)
julia> @btime solve($prob_g, Tsit5());
3.900 μs (26 allocations: 5.56 KiB)
Much appreciated. I’ll take a look at the static vectors; I suspect performance may become important in the future.
While this thread is fresh, can I ask how one would implement e.g. if F
was given by an integral, something like F(t) = \int_{0}^{t}u_{1}^{2}(t')\,\mathrm{d}t', which requires information from the initial time up to the present time during each stop of the solve? It’s a straightforward problem if I coded the time integration manually and preallocated a bunch of vectors, but it’d be useful to know how to do it with ODEProblem.
The easiest thing is to include it in your state vector like [u1, u2, F]
- you’re integrating the ODE anyways, so why not just take care of it there?