If I pass a vector of dual numbers as parameters, the solver will recocnize the dual numbers and provide a vector dx<:Vector{Dual...} to my diff eq function.
In my problem I have several parameters I want to tune but also additional static parameters. I tried to wrap them into a Tuple. But now DiffEq won’t provide dx as a vector of dual numbers anymore which leads to errors. Can I somehow tell the solve manually that I wan’t to diff?
using Pkg
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using OrdinaryDiffEq.ForwardDiff
function diffeq(du, u, (p, fixed_p), t)
p1, p2 = p
du[1] = -p1*u[1] + p2 + fixed_p
function loss(p)
prob = ODEProblem(diffeq, ones(1), (0.0, 1.0), (p, 10.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
return sol[end][1]
loss([1.0, 2.0])
ForwardDiff.gradient(loss2, [1.0, 2.0])
Error: du<:Vector{Float64} and can’t take any dual numbers.
Thanks for the answers! I guess I’ll go with the wrapper for now.
Doesn’t that imply that I’m differentiating with respect to the initial condition?
Well I can’t achieve a allocation free wrapper in my real example. However your proposed solution
function loss(p)
x0 = ones(1)
prob = ODEProblem(diffeq, convert(Vector{eltype(p)}, x0), (0.0, 1.0), (p, 10.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
return sol[end][1]
seems to work just fine, at least for the mini example. I’d still be interested in the implications of passing the initial state as a vector of dual numbers…
No, it does not. ones gives zero differential to each element and ForwardDiff.gradient sets 1 to corresponding duals in the elements of p.
In general, you cannot have zero allocation in solving ODEProblem. You can minimize allocations by using StaticArray type and not storing every step in the solution giving save_on=false to solve.
yeah I know I am not aiming for zero allocations for everything. But my real world problem is more complex than that, I have some base parameters p_base and additional parameters p_tune
N = length(p_base)
# we reshape the array such that each vertex gets its own column
p_tune = reshape(p_additional, :, N)
# each vertex gets a tuple of parameters, P_base first and than the others
p = [(p_base[i], p_tune[:, i]...) for i in 1:N]
which creates a new array p containing of Tuples which are mixed from base and tune parameters.
I don’t want to perform this reshuffling of my parameters at every single call of my diffeq function, therefore I’d prefer to not use a wrapper.
But converting x0 = convert(Vector{eltype(p)}, orig_x0) seems to tell the solver just fine to hand down Dual caches to my mutating function instead of Vector{Float64}.