I am trying to debug a surprising behavior in Documenter.jl
and had to look at how docstrings are stored and represented internally. I am confused by the encoding that is used to represent method signatures that involve generic type variables.
For example, the following code
module Meta
function f end
"Method 1"
function f(x::Int, y::Int=3) end
"Method 2"
function f(x::T, xs::Vector{T}) where T end
Docs.meta(Meta)[Docs.Binding(Meta, :f)].docs |> keys
yields this output using Julia 1.30:
Base.KeySet for a IdDict{Any,Any} with 3 entries. Keys:
Union{Tuple{Int64}, Tuple{Int64,Int64}}
Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,Array{T,1}}} where T
The encoding for the signature of Method 1 is pretty natural: as the optional argument is desugarized into two methods, we have a union of two tuples with one and two elements respectively.
The encoding for the signature of Method 2 is less natural, as it seems that the union has a different and unusual semantics here. In fact, I would have expected the given encoding to encode
the following signature:
"Method 2 bis"
function f(x::T, xs::Vector{T}=[]) where T end
Instead, the signature of Method 2 bis above is encoded as:
Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,Array{T,1}}} where T
Playing with this a bit, it seems that the signature of a method involving n variables is represented as a union whose n first elements are singletons containing those type variables.
Am I correct here and can anyone justify such a convention?