Documenter.jl: misplaced docstrings when using method signatures

I get repeated docstrings in the output of Documenter.jl when I try to select methods by their signatures. Here is an example: Take this package

module DocumenterTestPkg

export f

"vector doc"
f(x::Vector{T}) where T = 1

"matrix doc"
f(x::Matrix{T}) where T = 2


and the following as the Documenter source file docs/src/


f(::Vector{T}) where T


f(::Matrix{T}) where T

I would expect to get one entry for vectors and one for matrices. However, the output is something like the following:


DocumenterTestPkg.f ā€” Method

vector doc

matrix doc


DocumenterTestPkg.f ā€” Method

vector doc

matrix doc

So each entry appears twice. How can this be avoided?

Iā€™m using Julia 1.10.0 and Documenter 1.3.0.