Question about floating-point precision in summation

Xsum is indeed much more accurate than any compensated summation. It is also impressively fast (especially considering the gain in accuracy), however not faster than compensated algorithms in my experience. At least not when the numbers to be summed are nicely aligned in a vector: the results shown in AccurateArithmetic.jl’s Readme illustrate how fast compensated algorithms can be when it is possible to use a SIMD-vectorized implementation. (Which may not be the case here)

I also mentioned a comparison of the performances of Base.sum, AccurateArithmetic.sum_oro and Xsum.xsum in my talk at JuliaCon last summer:

I entirely agree on this. The best way to solve such issues is to make them disappear entirely when possible. This may involve changes in the mathematical formulation of the problem, or changes in the resolution algorithm itself.