Quantum clustering algorithm in Julia


Is there any example of quantum clustering algorithm written in Julia? Ideally something that is automatically determining number of clusters?

This is my first step into quantum computing so I hope the question is not entirely from a different universe. I would like to test it, hopefully use it on a daily basis in one of my programs.


I don’t think you will benefit from it for using it as daily basis tho, whether there is a quantum clustering has an advantage (say exponentially faster) on real-world data is not known yet. Or on the other hand, if there is a quantum clustering algorithm that provides better results is not known yet. at least within my own knowledge. There are a few review papers on ICML etc. such as https://icml.cc/imls/conferences/2007/proceedings/papers/518.pdf if you want to know the details, some are based on Grover search algorithm, which you can find implementation in Yao: https://github.com/QuantumBFS/QuAlgorithmZoo.jl/tree/master/examples/Grover

but we don’t have a quantum clustering algorithm implement, but if someone wants to try you are definitely welcome to contribute to the algorithm zoo repo.

Thank you for the information and really sorry for a delay in reply (holiday time). I do calculations on an advanced ensemble data however as for the clustering I am operating on small preprocessed amount of data so the speed is not a crucial factor for me. I was looking at it mostly out of curiosity and due to the reason that this kind of computing might be suitable for a hobby project I am interested in, thus was my question. I will review provided documents and also take a look at some of my books as I saw there quantum clustering examples written in Python and other languages. I hope to get deeper into a subject related to quantum clustering, however, I would like to emphasize that writing a package, even not quantum, would be a very challenging topic for me as there seem to be a lot of new things for me associated with this subject so as for now, I am not sure about it.