November 1, 2024, 1:20pm
When runing this
using QML
using Observables
slidervalue = Observable(0.0)
variables = JuliaPropertyMap(
"slidervalue" => slidervalue
and the content of “slider.qml” being
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import org.julialang 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainWin
title: "My Application"
width: 100
height: 100
visible: true
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "red"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: props.hi +
I get the following error
Qt Warning: qrc:/ RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (qrc:/, (null))
Qt Warning: path /slider.qml:2134880912: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (path /slider.qml:2134880912, (null))
Qt Warning: path /slider.qml:2134880912: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (path /slider.qml:2134880912, (null))
Qt Warning: path /slider.qml:2134880912: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (path /slider.qml:2134880912, (null))
where I manually replaced the displayed path with path for the purpose of this post.
General informations:
Julia v.1.11.1
Package status:
QML v0.9.1
Observables v0.5.5
OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Processor: Intel Core i7-7500U x4
Graphics NV117/Mesa Intel HD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2)
What is the problem and how to solve it ?
For your information, this code example comes from a talk given by Bart Janssens at the JuliaCon 2020 and correspnods to the first example in this video:
If needed, the corresponding source material can be found here GitHub - barche/juliacon2020-qml: Juliacon 2020 slides for the QML.jl talk
Note that I changed the exec_async()
from the example to exec()
in order for it to run.
I have the same issue and can reproduce it by two means:
Running the code from inside VSCode.
Wrapping code like OP’s into one function and call it from the REPL in a terminal e.g. by prefixing @async or Threads.@spawn ,
Running it from the REPL without async/threading is fine in my setup.
Julia 1.11.2, QML 0.9.1, CxxWrap 0.16, Observables 0.5.5, Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
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If you are using Julia 1.11.x, make sure you have in your project file these entries:
CxxWrap = "0.16"
QML = "0.9"
Thanks for the reminder. I double checked and the dependencies are there as indicated by you. Point is, currently I seem not to be able to make QML.jl work from inside VSCode, where with the same code as OP I’m getting the same error messages plus a zombie ApplicationWindow. As I do not know how to properly share my complete VSCode config and project setup, I added another direct method that produces the same error messages without VSCode.
To be more explicit, here are some steps to reproduce:
Clone QmlJuliaExamples
Make a copy of QmlJuliaExamples/basic/drag.jl
and name it QmlJuliaExamples/basic/drag2.jl
Modify QmlJuliaExamples/basic/drag2.jl
as follows:
using QML
@qmlfunction println
function run()
loadqml(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "qml", "drag.qml"))
In the terminal, cd <wherever you cloned it>/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/
and run the Julia REPL and type:
activate .
This will run fine and you can play with the dragging example now. However, the following instead will produce OP’s error messages and a dead window:
To reproduce this in VSCode (I’m using the extension julialang v1.127.2
) without explicit Threads.@spawn
, do the following steps:
Go to File -> Open Folder...
and open <wherever you cloned it>/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/
In the file explorer, double click on drag2.jl
Click the run button at the upper right of the code window.
The terminal should show with the message run (generic function with 1 method)
and the Julia prompt.
Type run()
These steps will also produce a dead window and the following messages (I have anonymized some file paths):
Qt Warning: qrc:/ RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (qrc:/, (null))
Qt Warning: file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352, (null))
Qt Warning: file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352, (null))
Qt Warning: file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352, (null))
Qt Warning: file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352, (null))
Qt Warning: file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352, (null))
Qt Warning: file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (file:///***/QmlJuliaExamples/basic/qml/drag.qml:794814352, (null))
Of course, this also happens in VSCode when you try to run the original drag.jl
Well, you could create an issue at GitHub · Where software is built , but the maintainers are overloaded and I would not expect a quick fix.
Myself, I do not use the VSCode Julia terminal. Instead, I launch a normal (Bash) terminal and start julia with the required parameter from there, usually:
julia --project
Then everything should work.
Can you check whether this example works correctly with Julia 1.10?
I currently don’t have a 1.10 installation of Julia, but I tried 1.9 instead.
Same results for drag2.jl
in Julia REPL in Ubuntu terminal:
works fine.
’ Threads.@spawn run()’ throws errors.
I didn’t check running from VSCode.
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