Hello, I’m very new to Julia, I’m exploring it as an alternative to Matlab.
I’m using Windows 10 professional. I sucessfully installed the Packages PyCall, Plots and PyPlot. When I try to make a plot using the pyplots backend from the REPL, it accepts the command, and it looks like it starts working, but nothing happens. I run for example the following code.
using Plots
x=1:10; y=rand(10);
Then it stops. The cursor is blinking in the next line and no new line with Julia> in the beginning appears. Also it does not accept any new inputs.
I have a version of Python installed on my computer and I think I managed to add matplotlib to it.
I’d be glad if someone could make a suggestion what I might be doing wrong. Thanks.
You’re not doing anything wrong - there must be an error in your setup. It’s possible it has to do with the PyPlot install - an easy way to narrow that down would be to install a different backend, e.g. Pkg.add("GR"), then run the same code as above, replacing pyplot() with gr().
Thanks for the answer. If I do what you suggest, then I get a plot. How would I “fix” my PyPlot install?
I found on the internet that I should try
But still I have the same issue. Also I tried to set ENV["PYTHON"] to that path of a Python version that I installed on my computer, and that has matplotlib installed. Then when I try to build the package, I get a message that no global Python version was found.
It works now. I tried again setting the path to a Python version I installed and I built all the packages again. I guess it was just a typo in the path the first times. Thanks for your help.
A (more) friendly error message could be added to PyCall.jl in case of that error saying “no Python installed at {your path}”?
PyCall is just an implementation detail to get PyPlot to work (and even many use Plots, not PyPlot directly…) so some newbies might easily miss those details.