Pyomo model not feasible for ACOPF

I implemented an ACOPF problem to maximise the PV exports of a LV network, to validate the answers and also to compare the time it takes to solve each I implemented the same problem in pyomo, while the powermodels.jl solves the problem rather quickly, pyomo throws an infeasible error. This is the pyomo model:

model = ConcreteModel()
model.N = Set(initialize = AllNodes)
model.L = Set(within = model.N*model.N, initialize=modified_AllLines)
model.Slackbus = Set(initialize = [AllNodes[0],AllNodes[1],AllNodes[2]])
model.T = Set(initialize=Time_sim)
model.PV_Nodes = Set(initialize=Load_nodes)

slack_bus_dict = {node: (1 if node in model.Slackbus else 0) for node in model.N}
model.IsSlackBus = Param(model.N, initialize=slack_bus_dict, within=Binary)
model.SlackBusVoltageMagnitude = Param(initialize = 22000**2)
model.R = Param(model.L,initialize = filtered_R)
model.X = Param(model.L,initialize = filtered_X)
model.S_max = Param(model.L,initialize = S_max)

model.p_d = Param(model.N,model.T,initialize=P_d)
model.q_d = Param(model.N,model.T,initialize=Q_d)


model.p = Var(model.L,model.T,within=Reals)  # Active power flow (kW)
model.q = Var(model.L,model.T, within=Reals)  # Reactive power flow (kVAr)
model.I = Var(model.L,model.T, within=Reals)  # Current squared (A^2)
model.v = Var(model.N,model.T, within=Reals, bounds =(Vmin,Vmax))  # Voltage squared (V^2)
model.p_exp = Var(model.PV_Nodes,model.T,within=NonNegativeReals,bounds=(0,10000))  

R and X is modelled for each node, for example (nodei,nodej):rij, p_d = pgen-pexport(actual pv generation). Objective is to find the maximum PV that can be exported(eventhough it is actually generated or not)

Hi @Glon

This forum is for JuMP and Julia relayed questions, so we won’t be much help with Pyomo.

However general rules apply for how to debug an infeasible model. See the JuMP documentation section Debugging · JuMP