PyMC Models to Turing.jl

I’m learning (beginner) some Bayesian methods from books like Bayesian Methods for Hackers, C. Davidson-Pilon and Bayesian Analysis with Python. However, I prefer to do most of my workflows using Julia and I would like to do things using packages such as Turing.jl. Since I’m new to probalistic programming its not clear how to translate many of the examples from PyMC to Turing.jl, are there any guides or ways of thinking to help with this?

I’m adding on here a specific example that I’d like to reproduce with Turing.jl from Bayesian Methods for Hackers:
Example: Kaggle contest on *Observing Dark World

Check out the tutorials section for Turing.jl to see if anything tickles your fancy.

Thanks, the PyMC3 notebook example is pretty useful. I’m still having some difficulty though conceptualizing how setup something like this with Turing.jl:

import pymc3 as pm


with pm.Model() as model:
    #set the size of the halo's mass
    mass_large = pm.Uniform("mass_large", 40, 180)
    #set the initial prior position of the halos, it's a 2-d Uniform dist.
    halo_position = pm.Uniform("halo_position", 0, 4200, shape=(1,2))
    mean = pm.Deterministic("mean", mass_large /\
            f_distance(T.as_tensor(data[:,:2]), halo_position, 240)*\
            tangential_distance(T.as_tensor(data[:,:2]), halo_position))
    ellpty = pm.Normal("ellipcity", mu=mean, tau=1./0.05, observed=data[:,2:])

It’s not clear to me how to define a Turing.jl model with variables that are determined from priors (e.g. mean in the code snippet above). Tis could just be that I’m new to probabilistic programming and Turing.jl.

Thanks in advance.

In general, you can just write Julia code that uses the probabilistic variables as though they were ordinary variables. So mean in the model above could be written similarly, minus the pm.Deterministic and T.as_tensor boilerplate.

I started translating the dark world example, but ended up rewriting it in a way that made more sense to me. Have not checked it for correctness or optimized it, but this at least shows conceptually one way to do it:

using Turing
using LinearAlgebra: norm
using Plots, StatsPlots

# Copied and pasted from the dark sky example linked above.  Columns are
# galaxy x and y positions, and the two components of their eccentricity.
# Transposed to get things column-major.
data = [1.62690000e+02   1.60006000e+03   1.14664000e-01  -1.90326000e-01;
    2.27228000e+03   5.40040000e+02   6.23555000e-01   2.14979000e-01;
    3.55364000e+03   2.69771000e+03   2.83527000e-01  -3.01870000e-01]'
galaxy_positions = data[1:2, :]
galaxy_eccs = data[3:4, :]

f_distance(galaxy_pos, halo_pos, c) = 1 / min(norm(galaxy_pos .- halo_pos), c)

function tangential_distance(galaxy_pos, halo_pos)
    Δ = galaxy_pos .- halo_pos
    t = 2 * atan(Δ[2] / Δ[1])
    return [-cos(t), -sin(t)]

function predict_ecc(galaxy_pos, halo_positions, halo_masses, c)
    d = [tangential_distance(galaxy_pos, hp) for hp in eachcol(halo_positions)]
    f = [f_distance(galaxy_pos, hp, c) for hp in eachcol(halo_positions)]
    return(reduce(+, d .* halo_masses .* f))
@model function DarkSky(galaxy_positions, galaxy_eccs, nhalos=3, c=240)
    n = size(galaxy_positions, 2)
    halo_positions ~ filldist(Uniform(0, 4200), 2, nhalos)
    halo_masses ~ filldist(Uniform(40, 180), nhalos)
    σ2 = 0.05

    # for each galaxy, predict its observed eccentricity and compare it with the data,
    # assuming m.v. normal errors with diagonal covariance
    for i in 1:n
        μ_ecc = predict_ecc(galaxy_positions[:, i], halo_positions, halo_masses, 240)
        galaxy_eccs[:, i] ~ MvNormal(μ_ecc, sqrt(σ2))

model = DarkSky(galaxy_positions, galaxy_eccs, 3, 240)
chain = sample(model, NUTS(), 1000)

Thanks a bunch! This workflow translation was exactly the kind of thing I was needing help with. Very much appreciated.

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