Hi everyone !
I am running on a Mac (with M1 chip) and I am quite new to Julia. I am currently modifying an existing Julia package. I want to call/write some python code requiring importing numpy. However when precompiling (or executing a script involving that package I modified), the following line
@pyimport numpy as np
throw me the error
ERROR: LoadError: PyError (PyImport_ImportModule) <class 'RuntimeError'>
RuntimeError("Polyfit sanity test emitted a warning, most likely due to using a buggy Accelerate backend.\nIf you compiled yourself, more information is available at:\nhttps://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/building.html#accelerated-blas-lapack-libraries\nOtherwise report this to the vendor that provided NumPy.\nUserWarning: The value of the smallest subnormal for <class 'numpy.float64'> type is zero.\n")
File "/Users/jcrismer/.julia/conda/3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py", line 376, in <module>
raise RuntimeError(msg)
On the other hand, when I just write a script (outside of that package I am editing) I can import numpy without any issues. I am thus a bit confused about that.
I understand that I should find a way to tell Julia not to use Accelerate to precompile but I do not know how to do it. I am also surprised to be able to import numpy in a simple script (outside of that package).
I already browsed the internet a lot to find a solution but it was not successful until now. Some help would thus be really appreciated.