I think it is great that you are reading the manual, many questions we answer here are asked because people do not make this investment. In your case, the answer is in the next section Scope of variables. Unfortunately we have kinda of a deadlock here: we want the manual teach to control flow before scope, so we can use for loops in the scope section; however, because we did not explain scope first, all examples in the Control Flow section use global variables direct in the REPL (and do not exactly explain why).
@Tamas_Papp You were doing a manual rewrite. Do you think this is something to consider? (Changing the order of the sections or making some adaptation.) I find kinda worrying that newbies are taught how to use global variables inside a loop before understanding how scope works. Maybe I could give a look at it this weekend.
Generally improvements to the manual are always very welcome, but I am not sure that a strictly linear reading order (like a novel) is feasible; a lot of things are interconnected. IMO the manual is best read multiple times.