Write the above code in a julia script Test.jl and run it, in the REPL it reports the following error:
┌ Warning: Assignment to `i` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `i` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local i` to suppress this warning or `global i` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ d:\CodeTest\Test.jl:4
ERROR: UndefVarError: `i` not defined
[1] top-level scope
@ d:\CodeTest\Test.jl:3
I know adding a global before i += 1 can solve this problem, but I wonder if this is the typical solution to this kind of error in julia’s usage. In another word, I feel this feature of Julia language brings trouble when programming. Do I have to adapt to Julia, or there are some better ways in Julia to deal with this kind of use case?
This is how scoping works, so using global is necessary if you don’t want to change the structure of your code. But the general recommendation is to wrap your code within a function.
There is actually a trick to run your code as is, but it’s using julia internals and is not officially supported. As you probably noted, you can run the initial code without a problem if it’s typed in the REPL. You can achieve the same effect when the code is in a file via:
Well, yes… If you’re coming from another language, you’ll need to focus on the things which are different. - sometimes you have to unlearn things as well as learn things.
Thanks for erveryone’s kind reply! They are all helpful to me.
Now I have another question. The error report says I have an undefined i in the 3rd line of my script, which corresponds to the command println(i). If I add a global i line above println(i), there will be no error or warning. This is understandable:
i = 0
while i <= 100
global i
i += 1
But if I only add the global in the 4th line before i += 1,
i = 0
while i <= 100
global i += 1
I can’t understand why the UndefVarError: i not defined corresponding to the 3rd line println(i) also disappears. As we can see, I didn’t declare any global i before the 3rd line in the while loop, then how did println(i) recognize the i in this case?
i = 0
while i <= 100
global i
i += 1
thus, just specify that your reference to i is about the global variable just at the begining of the loop. (The while loop is parsed at all once, as I understand, that’s why you can use global at any point).
Yet, you should not do this, neither any other alternative that uses a global variable, most of the time. It is better if you write:
function myloop()
i = 0
while i <= 100
i += 1
# do your stuff here
myloop() # call the function
This will allow Julia to compile your myloop() function entirely and the code will potentially be much faster. Additionally, if you use Revise, you can do
julia> using Revise
julia> includet("./myscript.jl") # note the t
julia> myloop()
and then any modification to the function will be tracked, and you just need to run myloop() again in the REPL to see the changes in action.