Putting Threads.@threads or any macro in an if statement

Is there a way to “turn” macros on and off with a flag/if statement. For example, I have a loop where I calculate forces and in some instances I don’t need to use multiple threads (e.g. avoid overhead). Currently, I have

if multithreaded
    Threads.@threads for ...
        #do something
    for ...
        #do exact same thing but without Thread.@threads

Is there a way to do something like “if multithreaded ? Threads.@threads : nothing for …”. At the end of the day, this is not a big issue, though it would my code shorter and a bit cleaner.

Edit: I got it working with a macro, but there a ton of overhead…

macro usethreads(multithreaded::Bool, expr::Expr)
    if multithreaded
        return :(Threads.@threads $expr)
        return :($expr)
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Is the overhead greater than your ifelse solution?

Yes, for example

function testfunction()
    @usethreads true for i = 1 : 10000000
        sin(i) + cos(i)

@time testfunction()

This takes about 0.9 seconds to run. If I replace the “true” with a “false”, it takes 0.6 seconds, which is the same as if I didn’t use “@usethreads”. If I replace “@usethreads” with “Threads.@threads”, which is pretty much the same as my original if statement, I get it down to 0.25 seconds.

It appears the problem is that you’re not escaping the output of the macro. If you do this instead:

macro usethreads(multithreaded::Bool, expr::Expr)
    if multithreaded
        return esc(:(Threads.@threads $expr))
        return esc(:($expr))

the performance delta should be none. I’m not sure why the esc has a performance implication here, but I do know that’s it’s required to get correct results if you do something like

function f1!(v)
    @usethreads false for i ∈ eachindex(v)
        v[i] = v[i] + 1

I was under the impression that Threads.@threads didn’t slow stuff down when there was only one thread available. Is that wrong?

Oh that worked! Thanks! I guess I’ll take a look at what esc does. One last thing, is there a way to put a variable::Bool after the “@usethreads”? When I do

function testfunction(multithreaded::Bool)
    @usethreads multithreaded for i = 1 : 10000000
        sin(i) + cos(i)

it says “no method matching @usethreads” … “::Symbol, ::Expr” since I guess “multithreaded” is a symbol.

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I tested my code with 3 threads for a statement like “for i in {set of size 1}”. There was a huge increase in time compared to when I don’t have the “Thread.@threads” macro. I’m not worried about the number of threads, just the size of the set I’m putting in. For example, if I’m calculating the forces on one particle, there is no need to multithread, but if I’m calculating the force on many particles, I need to call the function with “multithreaded = true”.

Macros are expanded at parse-time, not runtime, so the macro needs to figure out what code to write way before multithreaded ever receives a value. However, you can make your macro expand to have a branch in it like so:

macro usethreads(multithreaded, expr::Expr)
    ex = quote
        if $multithreaded
            Threads.@threads $expr

If you have both this definition and this one:

macro usethreads(multithreaded::Bool, expr::Expr)
    if multithreaded
        return esc(:(Threads.@threads $expr))
        return esc(:($expr))

then it’ll use the ::Bool definition if you literally write true or false and the other definition otherwise.


I tried it without my macro (the one that specifies a Bool) and only used the first one you wrote. It works, so is there a point for me to include mine then? I guess if I use the first one, I should probably put a check somewhere that returns an error if a Bool isn’t put in. Thanks for the help!

I think there’s benefit to having both. Having your macro return a branch means that the body of the function is ‘bigger’ and as such Julia’s optimizer is more likely to give up early.

Here’s what I mean by bigger:

julia> macro usethreads_branch(multithreaded, expr::Expr)
           ex = quote
               if $multithreaded
                   Threads.@threads $expr
@usethreads_branch (macro with 1 method)

julia> macro usethreads_nobranch(multithreaded::Bool, expr::Expr)
           if multithreaded
               return esc(:(Threads.@threads $expr))
               return esc(:($expr))
@usethreads_nobranch (macro with 1 method)

julia> function f1!(v)
           @usethreads_branch false for i ∈ eachindex(v)
               v[i] = v[i] + 1
f1! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function f2!(v)
           @usethreads_nobranch false for i ∈ eachindex(v)
               v[i] = v[i] + 1
f2! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @code_lowered f1!([1,2,3])
1 ──       Core.NewvarNode(:(threadsfor_fun))
│          Core.NewvarNode(:(@_4))
└───       goto #9 if not false
2 ──       range = Main.eachindex(v)
│    %5  = Main.:(var"#67#threadsfor_fun#13")
│    %6  = Core.typeof(v)
│    %7  = Core.typeof(range)
│    %8  = Core.apply_type(%5, %6, %7)
│          threadsfor_fun = %new(%8, v, range)
│    %10 = Base.Threads.threadid()
│    %11 = %10 != 1
└───       goto #4 if not %11
3 ──       @_7 = %11
└───       goto #5
4 ── %15 = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_in_threaded_region), Int32, svec(), 0, :(:ccall)))
└───       @_7 = %15 != 0
5 ┄─       goto #7 if not @_7
6 ── %18 = Base.invokelatest
│    %19 = threadsfor_fun
│          (%18)(%19, true)
└───       goto #8
7 ──       Base.Threads.threading_run(threadsfor_fun)
8 ┄─ %23 = Base.Threads.nothing
└───       return %23
9 ── %25 = Main.eachindex(v)
│          @_4 = Base.iterate(%25)
│    %27 = @_4 === nothing
│    %28 = Base.not_int(%27)
└───       goto #12 if not %28
10 ┄ %30 = @_4
│          i = Core.getfield(%30, 1)
│    %32 = Core.getfield(%30, 2)
│    %33 = Base.getindex(v, i)
│    %34 = %33 + 1
│          Base.setindex!(v, %34, i)
│          @_4 = Base.iterate(%25, %32)
│    %37 = @_4 === nothing
│    %38 = Base.not_int(%37)
└───       goto #12 if not %38
11 ─       goto #10
12 ┄       return

julia> @code_lowered f2!([1,2,3])
1 ─ %1  = Main.eachindex(v)
│         @_3 = Base.iterate(%1)
│   %3  = @_3 === nothing
│   %4  = Base.not_int(%3)
└──       goto #4 if not %4
2 ┄ %6  = @_3
│         i = Core.getfield(%6, 1)
│   %8  = Core.getfield(%6, 2)
│   %9  = Base.getindex(v, i)
│   %10 = %9 + 1
│         Base.setindex!(v, %10, i)
│         @_3 = Base.iterate(%1, %8)
│   %13 = @_3 === nothing
│   %14 = Base.not_int(%13)
└──       goto #4 if not %14
3 ─       goto #2
4 ┄       return

Notice that the lowered code for f2! is much smaller than f1!. In this case, it should have no performance impact, but I believe there will be cases with more complicated functions where this can cause a substantial performance degradation because it’ll prevent in-lining or cause the optimizer to give up.

My understanding is that Julia’s compiler essentially has a cost model while it tries to apply optimizations and if it spends too long trying to optimize a function it will give up, meaning that a very big function can sometimes be slower than micro-benchmarks of it’s constituent parts would suggest.

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