Pushing elements into a view

I’m working on a clustering model, and to compute cluster weights I have to compare the cohesions of the current cluster k to the one of cluster k plus unit j (respectively old (o) and new (n) in the code). To do so I thought about using views for the current cluster k, but I haven’ figured out a way to avoid the copy in order to also add the unit j’s information.

Is there a way to define also the new variables (s1n, s2n, etc) in terms of views? since I guess all the copies are affecting a bit the performance, since also I am doing this computations thousands of times during the fit. But maybe it’s impossible since those new variables are obtained merging the information of two different arrays (eg sp1_red and sp1 for s1n).

## stuff for minimal working example
Si_red = rand((-2:2),10)
j = 1; k=1
sp1_red = rand(10); sp2_red = rand(10)
sp1 = rand(10); sp2 = rand(10)
spatial_cohesion(s1,s2) = sum(s1)+sum(s2)
covariate_similarity(X) = sum(X)
sPPM = true
cl_xPPM = true
p_cl = 2
Xcl_covariates_red = rand(10,2)
Xcl_covariates = rand(10,2,10)

aux_idxs = findall(Si_red .== k)
if sPPM
	s1o = sp1_red[aux_idxs]
	s2o = sp2_red[aux_idxs]
	s1n = copy(s1o); push!(s1n, sp1[j])
	s2n = copy(s2o); push!(s2n, sp2[j])
	lCo = spatial_cohesion(s1o, s2o)
	lCn = spatial_cohesion(s1n, s2n)
if cl_xPPM
	lSo = 0.; lSn = 0.
	for p in 1:p_cl
		Xo = Xcl_covariates_red[aux_idxs,p]
		Xn = copy(Xo); push!(Xn,Xcl_covariates[j,p,t])
		lSo += covariate_similarity(Xo)
		lSn += covariate_similarity(Xn)

Maybe you could keep around another dataset of size n+1 and only replace the last element dynamically?

Haven’t looked close in your code logic. Just noticed you were talking about views but were not using them. So know you can create a view in the very easy following way:

ulia> a = [1,2,3,4,5]
5-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> view(a, 2:4)
3-element view(::Vector{Int64}, 2:4) with eltype Int64:

Pushing however should happen in the full vector a. So maybe keep some indices around and use insert! on the parent vector ?

Ah yes sorry, I forgot the part where I define the reduced indexes. Before that code I wrote in the other post I had this:

for j in 1:n
    # indexes = ...
	# get also the reduced spatial info if sPPM model
	if sPPM
		sp1_red = @view sp1[indexes]
		sp2_red = @view sp2[indexes]
	# and the reduced covariates info if cl_xPPM model
	if cl_xPPM
		Xcl_covariates_red = @view Xcl_covariates[indexes,:,t]
    # other stuff and the code I included before

Yes I think this is the only option. I will try it.

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