PSA: JavaCall.jl is broken on macOS for Julia 1.6.3 and above

Because of some changes to how Julia handles signals as of Julia 1.6.3, JavaCall.jl is broken on macOS for Julia 1.6.3 and above. As far as I know, none of the active contributors have the needed hardware to try to resolve this situation. If you are interested in this problem and do have Apple hardware, please get in touch.

JavaCall.jl users on macOS have two options at the moment:

  1. Continue to use JavaCall.jl with Julia 1.6.2.
  2. Consider alternatives to Julia-Java interop that use interprocess communication rather than the in-process approach used by JavaCall. I will try to reiterate the alternatives when I have more time, but I’ve done this in the past on this forum.