Thanks for the reply. Yesterday I tried releasing v0.0.12 before going to sleep, and the original issue I was having (i.e. git-tree-sha1 pointing to an older version) is gone, although it did not solve the problem I was having. I think I’ll open another thread for that.
In this case, I suspect the issue has to do with my build_tarballs.jl
. Here is the one I used for v0.0.12:
# Note that this script can accept some limited command-line arguments, run
# `julia build_tarballs.jl --help` to see a usage message.
using BinaryBuilder, Pkg
name = "ghostbasil"
version = v"0.0.12"
# Collection of sources required to complete build
sources = [
GitSource("", "50aef6a0f7810b2a8a41e6ee36079950fcf54313")
# Bash recipe for building across all platforms
script = raw"""
cd $WORKSPACE/srcdir
mkdir -p ghostbasil/julia/build
cd ghostbasil/julia/build
cmake \
-DJulia_PREFIX=$prefix \
-DEigen3_DIR=$prefix/share/eigen3/cmake \
make install
# install license
install_license $WORKSPACE/srcdir/ghostbasil/R/
# These are the platforms we will build for by default, unless further
# platforms are passed in on the command line
julia_versions = [
v"1.8.0", v"1.8.1", v"1.8.2", v"1.8.3", v"1.8.4", v"1.8.5",
v"1.9.0", v"1.9.1", v"1.9.2", v"1.9.3", v"1.9.4",
working_platforms = [ # ghostbasil won't work on windows, and currently fails on mac
Platform("x86_64", "linux"; libc = "glibc"),
Platform("aarch64", "linux"; libc = "glibc"),
Platform("powerpc64le", "linux"; libc = "glibc"),
Platform("x86_64", "linux"; libc = "musl"),
Platform("aarch64", "linux"; libc = "musl"),
# expand platforms to specify julia version explicitly
# see
platforms = Platform[]
for p in working_platforms, julia_version in julia_versions
p["julia_version"] = string(julia_version)
push!(platforms, deepcopy(p))
platforms = expand_cxxstring_abis(platforms)
# The products that we will ensure are always built
products = [
LibraryProduct("libghostbasil_wrap", :libghostbasil_wrap)
# Dependencies that must be installed before this package can be built
dependencies = [
# Build the tarballs, and possibly a `build.jl` as well.
build_tarballs(ARGS, name, version, sources, script, platforms, products,
dependencies; julia_compat="1.9", preferred_gcc_version = v"7.1.0")