Hello everybody.
I would like to ask you: how to enter the argument(s) for only one specific function of the many ones I have in my script file from command line?
In more details: I am working on a training file, where I am writing many different functions, just to train myself…
In one of the function (which translates dna into proteins) I would like to provide from the command line the dna sequence as function argument directly or even provide the file text directly (but I haven’t worked with files yet.
here my function:
function translator_from_rna(rna_seq :: AbstractString)
traslation = []
table = Dict(
"AUA"::"I", "AUC"::"I", "AUU"::"I", "AUG"::"M",
"ACA"::"U", "ACC"::"T", "ACG"::"T", "ACU"::"T",
"AAC"::"N", "AAU"::"N", "AAA"::"K", "AAG"::"K",
"AGC"::"S", "AGU"::"S", "AGA"::"R", "AGG"::"R",
"CUA"::"L", "CUC"::"L", "CUG"::"L", "CUU"::"L",
"CCA"::"P", "CCC"::"P", "CCG"::"P", "CCU"::"P",
"CAC"::"H", "CAU"::"H", "CAA"::"Q", "CAG"::"Q",
"CGA"::"R", "CGC"::"R", "CGG"::"R", "CGU"::"R",
"GUA"::"V", "GUC"::"V", "GUG"::"V", "GUU"::"V",
"GCA"::"A", "GCC"::"A", "GCG"::"A", "GCU"::"A",
"GAC"::"D", "GAU"::"D", "GAA"::"E", "GAG"::"E",
"GGA"::"G", "GGC"::"G", "GGG"::"G", "GGU"::"G",
"UCA"::"S", "UCC"::"S", "UCG"::"S", "UCU"::"S",
"UUC"::"F", "UUU"::"F", "UUA"::"L", "UUG"::"L",
"UAC"::"Y", "UAU"::"Y", "UAA"::"_", "UAG"::"_",
"UGC"::"C", "UGU"::"C", "UGA"::"_", "UGG"::"W" )
start_translation = findfirst("AUG", uppercase(rna_seq))[2]
triplets = 2
for (num, sequence) in enumerate(start_translation:length(rna_seq))
if num % 3 == 0 && num < length(rna_seq)
triplents = rna_seq[sequence:sequence + triplets]
append!(traslation, table[triplents])
return join(traslation, "")
Thank you!