Hi all.
I have a script that I need to run as a part of a shell script. Inside julia I can just put the name of the file, but in my workflow I need to parse this file name to the julia script (from a shelle script) and wait for julia to write some files so I can move them into folders.
So I am looking for something like this (inside the shell script).
So. I have this function that reads my .h5 file, and to those inputs I apply some processes. Then make figures and save .jld2 files:
#Read data
strainrate, time, htime, offset, atrib = rdas("test/SR_DS_2023-04-11_13-54-42_UTC.h5");
# Cut the "bad" Channels from the DAS data.
slice_strainrate,slice_time,slice_htime,slice_offset = slicedas(strainrate,time,htime,offset; tmin=0, tmax=60, xmin=18, xmax=24);
# plot
c,viz = viewdas(strainrate, time, offset; cm=:RdBu_11, climit=(-1e4,1e4))
Nothing fancy, but I need to run this many times and I would like to input the .h5 file name from the terminal as arg1 and then run the rest. Then I can incorporate it into my bash scripts
So good ideas. I will test tomorrow. Does the DaemonMode.jl works in one computer, I am not working on a server… just one computer that will run the script every minute for 24 months hahaha