Hi everyone,
I’m using Catalyst.jl to create some reaction networks, and would like to read the reactions in from a file (port from a Python project). Every reaction has the same rate law with the user-defined function
arrhenius(a, b, c, T) = a .* (T ./ 300.).^b .* exp.(-c ./ T)
In the file, I store the rate expressions as, e.g.
1.3300d-11 * (Tgas / 3d2)**(-7.8000d-01) * exp(-4.0000d01 / Tgas)
From this string, I can parse the “a”, “b”, “c” components, but I don’t know how to create a Reaction using this function with a temperature symbol. In the ReactionSystem DSL I would use
rn = @reaction_network begin
arrhenius(1.8e-10, -0.78, 40., T), A + B --> C
end T
I would like to emulate this behaviour with the Reaction syntax, namely
rxns = []
push!(rxns, Reaction(arrhenius(a, b, c, T), [A, B], [C]))
How can I use an arbitrary “T” in the same manner here?