Profiling CUDA kernels on the Jetson

I am trying to profile a CUDA kernel (using CUDA.jl) on a Jetson AGX Orin DevKit. However, when I try to do so, for example by running

using CUDA
a = CUDA.rand(1024,1024,1024);
CUDA.@profile sin.(a)

I get the error ERROR: CUPTIError: Insufficient privileges: You don't have permissions to profile GPU code. Please configure your system to allow all users to profile, or run Julia with elevated permissions: (code 35, CUPTI_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES).
I tried to follow the instructions in the link provided, but there are no specific instructions for a Jetson and the one for Tegra are not clear.
Even though I am able to solve the problem using running Julia with sudo, I would like to avoid doing that, and being able to profile CUDA code without resorting on elevated permissions.
Do you have any ideas how to solve this?

From the documentation linked in the error message:

  • DRIVE, Tegra and QNX: Launch the tool with sudo or as the root user.

There is no alternative here. You can try complaining to NVIDIA :slightly_smiling_face:

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I complained, but I was looking for somebody who has found alternatives. :smiley:

Am I being dense here?