Trying the LinSolveIterativeSolvers
API of DifferentialEquations.jl to use the linear solvers from IterativeSolvers.jl always lead to some errors. I’m using julia 1.6.
First the API only works for the gmres solver but it leads to a specific error:
no method matching eps(::Type{ComplexF64})
For the other solvers (cg, bicgstabl, minres and chebyshev), the API is wrong, for instance the bicgstabl error is:
bicgstabl_iterator!(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Int64; Pl, max_mv_products, abstol, reltol, initial_zero) at /Users/amael/.julia/packages/IterativeSolvers/TpeDx/src/bicgstabl.jl:27 got unsupported keyword arguments "initially_zero", "restart", "maxiter", "Pr"