Hi everyone,
I have a function draw
function draw(state::Vector{Segment}, boundary::Tuple{Vector{Real}, Vector{Real}})
x(s::Segment) = s.point[1]
y(s::Segment) = s.point[2]
display(plot([boundary[1][1]; x.(state); boundary[2][1]], [boundary[1][2]; y.(state); boundary[2][2]], markershape = :circle))
and call it later with
boundary = ([0; 0], [22; 0])
as the second argument.
Why do I get this error message?
LoadError: TypeError: in typeassert, expected Tuple{Vector{Real}, Vector{Real}}, got a value of type Tuple{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Int64}}
Shouldn’t I be able to use Int when a Real is expected?