For some reason I can’t produce a plot of a graph from LightGraphs.jl using GraphPlot.jl. I’m quite new to Julia so not sure what else to try.
using LightGraphs
using GraphPlot
sg = complete_digraph(3)
I just receive a method error
MethodError: no method matching spring_layout(::SimpleDiGraph{Int64})
If someone could point me in the right direction for a solution I would be very grateful.
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Recently, LightGraphs.jl moved to Graphs.jl.
Perhaps that has something to do with this error (didn’t have a chance to test right now)?
I would suggest using Graphs
in place of using LightGraphs
to see if this works easily.
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The package Graphs.jl doesn’t seem to work at all.
using Graphs
g = simple_graph(3)
Just returns (same with other graph generators )
UndefVarError: simple_graph not defined
I think it’s this:
using Graphs
g = SimpleGraph(3)
Did you manage to resolve this @Mark_Williams ?
I am stuck with the same issue now
yes you just change the LightGraphs into Graphs and it will work. I try OpenStreetMapX.jl that uses LightGraphs and using Graphs will work