I am fairly new to Julia, so I have been working through the Plots tutorial at Tutorial · Plots. I run into a number of problems in the first example under " Using Series Recipes". Specifically, I enter the code provided:
y = rand(100,4) # Four series of 100 points each
violin([“Series 1” “Series 2” “Series 3” “Series 4”],y,leg=false)
but receive an error stating “ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 1-element Array{Float64,1} at index [2]”.
I get the same error with the boxplot command.
I am using Julia 1.03 in a Atom/Juno environment and have the latest versions of the necessary packages, i.e., Plots, StatPlots, etc. I have also tried to find a workaround using DataFrames, but also run into problems there. Finally, I have been looking for clear documentation on violin and boxplot, with only limited success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Dale