[Solved] Problem installing the Gurobi package on a cluster

I think I found a way around it. Browsing through old posts here on the forum I found this: . Here https://discourse.julialang.org/t/gurobi-v10-and-julia/90220/2 it suggests updating to a specific version of the Gurobi package with the command using Pkg; pkg"add Gurobi@0.11.4" therefore, considering my previous suspicion of possible incompatibility of version 11.0.2 in the file while in the cluster I have version 11.0.1 available, I There was an attempt to install a previous version of Gurobi. This way, accessing Releases · jump-dev/Gurobi.jl · GitHub I verified that the version prior to latest is version v1.2.3.

Therefore, when executing add Gurobi@1.2.3 the Gurobi package was installed. And when running,

using JuMP, Gurobi
v = MOI.get(Gurobi.Optimizer(), MOI.SolverVersion())

Finally I get:

Set parameter TokenServer to value "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"

In other words, I can finally use the desired version 11.0.1.

*If you can provide more details as to why I was unable to install the latest Julia Gurobi package, I would be grateful.