Problem-using-smtpclient - send

opt = SendOptions(
        isSSL = true,
        username = "",
        passwd = "***"
      url = ""
      subject = "SMPTClient.jl"
      message = "Don't forget to check out SMTPClient.jl"
      to = [""]
      from = ""
      body = SMTPClient.get_body(to, from, subject, message)
      rcpt = vcat(to)
      Send(url, rcpt, from, body, opt)

here send() method is not working this method is directing me to sockets.jl send method don’t understand why ? is there any alternative to send it any sample example will be good

this below suggestion its giving like why ? :-

what UDPSocket ? and what should i pass other parameters
send(sock::Sockets.UDPSocket, ipaddr::Sockets.IPAddr, port::Core.Integer, msg::Core.Any)