Problem using SMTPClient.jl

I’m struggling to get SMTPClient working because get_body and get_mime_msg are not defined. Same behaviour in REPL and ^F5 .

Apart from adding the package and the using SMTPClient line do I need to do anything else?

opt = SendOptions(
            isSSL = true,
            username = "",
            passwd = "mypassword"
          url = ""
          message = string("Text for body of email")
          subject = "the subject"
          to = ["<>"]
          cc = ["<>"]
          bcc = ["<>"]
          from = ""
          replyto = ""
          attachments = [filename]
          mime_msg = get_mime_msg(message)
          body = get_body(to, from, subject, mime_msg; attachments)
          rcpt = vcat(to, cc, bcc)
          resp = send(url, rcpt, from, body, opt)

Windows10, VSCode 1.61.2, Julia 1.6.2


I don’t know the reason for this, but a possible workaround is to dev the package.

Thanks Rudi, issue resolved.