Problem dowloading Landsat images as RemoteS documentation


I created a free Amazon AWS account and I am trying to download the test image of RemoteS doc and I get a HTTP 403 error. I assume the other errors are due to the download failure.

using RemoteS, GMT
Ir = gmtread("/vsicurl/");
ERROR 11: HTTP response code: 403
ERROR 11: HTTP response code: 403
gmtread (gmtapi_import_grid): Not a supported grid format [/vsicurl/]
[Session GMT (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_GRID_READ_ERROR (18)
[Session GMT (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_GRID_READ_ERROR (18)
ERROR: Programming error, output matrix is empty

What step am I missing? Do I need to pay? Just testing!
Thanks for your help.

Sorry, I guess that I have to put a warning in the docs. Those files apparently have become unavailable.
The examples in docs should work but they need to use existing image files.

Would you know where I can get a testing image?

You can try these. But for later readers, there is no guarantee that they will be there for long time.

I4 = gmtread(""):
I3 = gmtread("");
I2 = gmtread("");
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It worked. Thanks.

BTW, installing RemoteS on Windows is not possible. It is due to a libtiff library issue related to GMT I think. This is an old problem that seemed to be coming and going on Windows.

No issues on Ubuntu.

I’m not aware of that. And the CI run fine Just to force a rebuild and CIs test. · GenericMappingTools/RemoteS.jl@03d89fa · GitHub

What error did you get?

Very weird. I did nothing. Just retried today… Problem is gone.