Preferred implementation of a lookup table

Here is some code that studies performances of some implementations of effectively a lookup table.

#!/usr/bin/env julia

import BenchmarkTools

module Enums
    @enum COLORS begin
    global const MY_DICT::Dict{COLORS, Float64} = Dict(RED => 42.0, GREEN => 54.0, BLUE => 65.0, BROWN => 45.0)

    function lookup_global(color::COLORS)::Float64
        return MY_DICT[color]

    function doit_global()::Nothing
        for color::COLORS in instances(COLORS)

        return nothing
    function lookup_local(color::COLORS)::Float64
        my_dict::Dict{COLORS, Float64} = Dict(RED => 42.0, GREEN => 54.0, BLUE => 65.0, BROWN => 45.0)
        return my_dict[color]
    function doit_local()::Nothing
        for color::COLORS in instances(COLORS)

        return nothing

# abstract types

module Abstract
    abstract type AbstractColors end
    struct RED   <: AbstractColors end
    struct GREEN <: AbstractColors end
    struct BLUE  <: AbstractColors end
    struct BROWN <: AbstractColors end
    lookup(::RED)   = 42.0
    lookup(::GREEN) = 54.0
    lookup(::BLUE)  = 65.0
    lookup(::BROWN) = 45.0    
    global const COLORS_VEC = [ RED(), GREEN(), BLUE(), BROWN()]
    function doit_global()::Nothing
        for color::AbstractColors in COLORS_VEC

        return nothing

    function doit_local()::Nothing
        my_vec::Vector{AbstractColors} = [ RED(), GREEN(), BLUE(), BROWN()]
        for color::AbstractColors in my_vec

        return nothing

BenchmarkTools.@btime Enums.doit_global()

BenchmarkTools.@btime Enums.doit_local()

BenchmarkTools.@btime Abstract.doit_global()

BenchmarkTools.@btime Abstract.doit_local()


  24.299 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

  533.651 ns (16 allocations: 1.88 KiB)

  54.372 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

  79.262 ns (1 allocation: 80 bytes)

I know that Julia can infer types. I know that global variables are not such a good idea and why. Never the less. Abstract.doit_local() is a good representation of how in my company typically lookup tables are implemented. There is always some container with objects of children of an abstract type and there is dispatch. I know that containers with abstract types cause a performance penalty due to optimization issues with the compiler and memory.

An alternative could be to use an enum. It prevents the wild growth of functions and structs. To my surprise, Enums.doit_global() is the fastest even though a const global variable is used. Developers appreciate Julia for its speed and if this way is fastest, people would be interested in an analysis on this - probably some low-level compiler optimization is going on.


  • What is the preferred way to implement a lookup table in Julia?
  • What are experts opinions on using dispatch for a lookup table?
  • Why is the Enums.doit_global() fastest?

If it is truly a constant lookup table and you don’t need to change it during the runtime of the program you could use Base.ImmutableDict for a small number of entries and Base.PersistentDict for a large number of entries (after Julia v1.11)

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It’s no surprise that lookup_local is slow, since it builds a whole new dictionary for each time it looks something up. If you instead pass the dictionary as an input argument, like this:

function lookup_local(my_dict::Dict, color::COLORS)
    return my_dict[color]

then lookup_local and lookup_global are equally fast.

Globals are not slow if they are const. Remember, functions and structs, and other constants, like pi, are global variables. It’s the non-const globals that are problematic.

As for all your type annotations, you should be a bit careful. First of all, left-hand-side annotations are not really idiomatic, and at worst can lead to slow-down (or even bugs), because you may force-convert into something less performant. See e.g.

julia> t1 = rand(128);

julia> @btime sum($t1);
  30.746 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> t2::Vector{AbstractFloat} = rand(128);

julia> @btime sum($t2);
  3.362 ÎĽs (127 allocations: 1.98 KiB)

For example,

is redundant, and odd to me. The correct type will be inferred from the right-hand-side, so the assertion is superfluous. If you really want enforce the type of the dictionary, it is more idiomatic to write

my_dict = Dict{COLORS, Float64}(RED => 42.0, GREEN => 54.0, BLUE => 65.0, BROWN => 45.0)

Or alternatively you could use an array, then it’s not needed to calculate the hash value of the inputs for each dictionary access:

module ArrayLookup
    @enum COLORS begin
        RED = 1
        GREEN = 2
        BLUE = 3
        BROWN = 4

    const MY_ARRAY = [42.0, 54.0, 65.0, 45.0]

    function lookup(color::COLORS)::Float64
        return MY_ARRAY[Int(color)]

    function doit()::Nothing
        for color::COLORS in instances(COLORS)

        return nothing


Enums.doit_global() (using a Base.ImmutableDict)
  7.800 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

  2.900 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
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So… there is nobody in favor of using dispatch, like indicated in the snippet in the original question? For me, downsides include

  • Wild growth of functions
  • The functions forming the lookup table may become scattered over the package
  • Performance not the best

Global variables are frowned upon because any code can change them, and changing const container types is even supported. Does PersistentDict solve this somehow?

Both ImmutableDict and PersistentDict are constant value (whereas const x = is constant reference)

Lookup through dispatch can be problematic since it may involve a dynamic dispatch, if the lookup key is not constant at call site.

Does this compare to the use of static inside a C/C++ method or function? Static variables like these are evaluated upon first entry of such a function and persist for the next time the function is executed. They are not const though in the C/C++ sense.

I think this link suggests not to use dispatch for simple things like a lookup table.

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You can even make it a bit more array-like by creating a method for Base.to_index:

Base.to_index(A, i::COLORS) = Int(i)
# do the lookup directly with indexing syntax, without a lookup-function:

Nothing based on Dict, or any alternative dict type can be fastest, “arrays” are fastest, regular ones, hard to beat (see then below for my fastest implementation):

This is ideal (access) code/syntax in my view, but I couldn’t apply @inbounds as I wanted, and I have another perceived problem with it.

I got 9% faster, and very hard to beat assembly code:

@code_native Base.unsafe_getindex(MY_ARRAY, GREEN)

This would work for a lookup table of any size, i.e. it references memory, unlike otherwise even better:

const MY_LOOKUP = (((((45 << 8) + 65) << 8) + 54) << 8) + 42

@enum COLORS begin
  RED = 0
  GREEN = 1
  BLUE = 2
  BROWN = 3

lookup(c::COLORS) = (MY_LOOKUP >> (8*Int(c))) % UInt8 % Int

Now it’s 55% faster (since no “memory”, i.e. L1D cache access), than the first array-based I tried, and 19 times faster than your original doit_global() (on my machine):

julia> @btime lookup(BROWN)
  1.951 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

This of course doesn’t scale well, i.e. to larger lookup tables than about 8 entries, on 64-bit, but I learned of this trick with SIMD, where the code can be smaller picking out values, not using a shift, and working with SIMD registers if I recall, then maybe 32-64 entries realistic.

This does make the code larger (that the optimal array code, not other I’ve seen so far), so it might be only faster in microbenchmarking, with it polluting L1I cache. But the assembly code size can be made comparable.

It’s true that you can but I don’t think it’s the best dict, or to be recommended.

I believe you, @vchuravy, made Base.PersistentDict and it might be never going away, but the problem I see is recommending Base. prefixed code to “New to Julia” users. I think you generally shouldn’t recommend such code when it isn’t exported.

My larger problem is that IF you want to use dicts isn’t LittleDict from OrderedCollections.jl faster (assuming small dicts)?

I realize I broke my own rule with including Base.unsafe_getindex… (though should it be exported by now?).


got me, explaining, my frustration with optimal code:

function getindex(A::AbstractArray, I...)
    error_if_canonical_getindex(IndexStyle(A), A, I...)
    _getindex(IndexStyle(A), A, to_indices(A, I)...)
# To avoid invalidations from multidimensional.jl: getindex(A::Array, i1::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}, I::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}...)
@propagate_inbounds getindex(A::Array, i1::Integer, I::Integer...) = A[to_indices(A, (i1, I...))...]
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As part of my package SmallCollections.jl I’m currently working on “small dictionaries” (suggested by @jw3126) that don’t need hashes and are very fast for small bit types. They are slower than arrays, but have constant access time and work even if there is no easy conversion from keys to array indices.

For the example from the OP, it would be as follows:

using SmallCollections

d = SmallDict{4}(RED => 42.0, GREEN => 54.0, BLUE => 65.0, BROWN => 45.0)
julia> c = GREEN; @b $d[$c]
2.639 ns

There is also a mutable version MutableSmallDict. I’m actually unsure if the immutable version is of any use, but for lookup tables they may be useful.

I’m planning to release a new version soon. If you want to use SmallDict, then currently you have to install the package via

pkg> add SmallCollections#master