Postdoc at Karolinska, in Stockholm. Probabilistic models (either tree-like, or deep), adjacent to biology/medicine

Our lab is looking for a postdoc. We do a mix of computational and experimental work, usually at the intersection of virology and immunology, but we have broad interests.

We’re looking for someone with expertise in some of the following: probabilistic models, stochastic processes (and practical experience implementing models using them), deep learning, and, most importantly, Julia.

Ideally you’d have some familiarity with core biological concepts, but if you are a great computational fit, you can learn the biology as you go!

There are two areas we’re most actively working in (and you can work in either or both):

  • Developing new approaches for phylogenetic inference
  • Applications of generative models in biology/medicine

Stockholm is a great place to live, and Karolinska has an excellent reputation.
The job posting, with eligibility, instructions to apply, etc, is here: Postdoc in Computational Protein Evolution
If you’d like to discuss anything before applying, please feel free to email ( or message me on twitter (@BenjMurrell).
My research profile is here: ‪Ben Murrell‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬