Possible to emulate Plots.jl's zerolines layout in Makie?

Is there a built-in option in Makie to format an Axis to emulate the style of plot(x,y, framestyle=:zerolines), i.e. no outer spines and axis lines drawn through x=0 and y=0? Essentially, trying to achieve something like the following (stolen from Plot: Visualize a Function—Wolfram Documentation):


I see in the docs here (Axis · Makie) that hiding the outer spines is possible, but I haven’t been able to find anything about the axis line positions. I’d guess that a workaround could be implemented, but this seems to me worth having as a (non-default) layout option.

Looks like there’s been some movement behind the scenes, but no official support: Makie: Axis through (0,0) - #4 by jules