I want to understand why some code exhibits fairly poor parallel speedup.
In simplified form, I am just computing a discrete Laplacian over a 3D grid:
function discrete_laplacian!(AU::Array{T,3}, U::OffsetArray{T,3}) where T
Nx, Ny, Nz = lastindex(U, 1), lastindex(U, 2), lastindex(U, 3)
cx, cy, cz = Nx^2, Ny^2, Nz^2
nt = Threads.nthreads()
Threads.@threads for k = 1:Nz-1
for j = 1:Ny-1
for i = 1:Nx-1
@inbounds AU[i,j,k] = (
cx * ( -U[i+1,j,k] + 2U[i,j,k] - U[i-1,j,k] )
+ cy * ( -U[i,j+1,k] + 2U[i,j,k] - U[i,j-1,k] )
+ cz * ( -U[i,j,k+1] + 2U[i,j,k] - U[i,j,k-1] ) )
For comparison, I wrote a Fortran OpenMP version of the same function, and
another Julia version that uses ParallelStencil.FiniteDifferences3D
@parallel function PS_discrete_laplacian!(AU, U, cx, cy, cz)
@inn(AU) = cx * @d2_xi(U) + cy * @d2_yi(U) + @d2_zi(U)
In all cases below, Nx = Ny = Nz = 800
On a Core i9-12900, I obtained the following runtimes (in seconds).
threads | Julia | Fortran | PS |
1 | 0.457729 | 1.111 | 2.040 |
2 | 0.351813 | 0.651 | 1.080 |
4 | 0.324158 | 0.387 | 0.559 |
8 | 0.286392 | 0.284 | 0.349 |
(The Fortran version was compiled with gfortran -Wall -O3 -march=native
Thus, for a single thread Julia is significantly faster than Fortran, which
in turn is significantly faster than PS. However, the Fortran and PS versions
have better parallel speedup.
Here are corresponding results on a Ryzen 7 9700X.
threads | julia | fortran | PS |
1 | 0.392443 | 1.011 | 1.507 |
2 | 0.335488 | 0.590 | 0.785 |
4 | 0.350831 | 0.418 | 0.422 |
8 | 0.380565 | 0.388 | 0.365 |
Julia is still faster when using 1 thread, but the parallel speedup is
worse for all versions.
On my GPU (Radeon RX 7700 XT), the PS version took only 0.044 seconds, so
that is the clear winner. Still, what explains the poor speedup on the CPU?