We are ever so grateful of having such a great variety of colour options in Plots which is great for publications. But the question is how can we get a preview of the colour before trying them out?
# This is the union of every color defined in X11 and in SVG, prefering the SVG
# definition when they clash.
const color_names = Dict(
"aliceblue" => (240, 248, 255),
"antiquewhite" => (250, 235, 215),
"antiquewhite1" => (255, 239, 219),
"antiquewhite2" => (238, 223, 204),
"antiquewhite3" => (205, 192, 176),
"antiquewhite4" => (139, 131, 120),
"aqua" => ( 0, 255, 255),
"aquamarine" => (127, 255, 212),
"aquamarine1" => (127, 255, 212),
"aquamarine2" => (118, 238, 198),
"aquamarine3" => (102, 205, 170),
"aquamarine4" => ( 69, 139, 116),
It will be amazing if we can get something like:
Many thanks for any help you may provide,