- (_fill[1] == " ") && (_fill = Vector{String}()) # Passing a fill=[" "] is programatically handy to say no fill
- else
- _fill = Vector{String}()
- end
- return _fill
- end
- const matlab_cycle_colors = ["#0072BD", "#D95319", "#EDB120", "#7E2F8E", "#77AC30", "#4DBEEE", "#A2142F", "0/255/0"]
- # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Distinguishable_colors
- const alphabet_colors = ["#2BCE48", "#4C005C", "#005C31", "#5EF1F2", "#8F7C00", "#9DCC00", "#0075DC", "#94FFB5", "#740AFF", "#993F00", "#00998F", "#003380", "#191919", "#426600", "#808080", "#990000", "#C20088", "#E0FF66", "#F0A3FF", "#FF0010", "#FF5005", "#FFA8BB", "#FFA405", "#FFCC99", "#FFE100", "#FFFF80"]
- # https://sashamaps.net/docs/resources/20-colors/
- const simple_distinct = ["#e6194b", "#3cb44b", "#ffe119", "#4363d8", "#f58231", "#911eb4", "#46f0f0", "#f032e6", "#bcf60c", "#fabebe", "#008080", "#e6beff", "#9a6324", "#fffac8", "#800000", "#aaffc3", "#808000", "#ffd8b1", "#000075", "#808080"]
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function df2ds(arg)
- # If arg is a DataFrame, try to convert it into a GMTdataset. Keep all numerical columns and first Text one
- (arg === nothing || isa(arg, GDtype) || isa(arg, Array)) && return arg
- fs = fields(arg) # (:columns, :colindex, :metadata, :colmetadata, :allnotemetadata)
- (isempty(fs) || fs[1] != :columns || fs[end] != :allnotemetadata) && return arg # Not a DataFrame
- # OK, arrived here it seems arg is likely a DataFrame so try to convert it into a GMTdataset