I’d like to create a large heatmap using Plots.jl
and plotly. which should look like this, where all y axis labels are shown, these align with the tool tip, and if I zoom in I get an increased granularity of the x axis dates (this also occurs with the y axis).
Made with `PlotlyJS.jl
using Dates, PlotlyJS
start_date = DateTime(2021, 1, 1)
rr = rand(100,36)
xaxis = start_date:Dates.Month(1):start_date+Dates.Month(36)
yaxis = 15:115 |> collect .|> string
plot(heatmap(x=xaxis, y=yaxis, z=rr))
My understanding of Plots.jl
is that if axis labels are given as strings they should all be shown, however, this is not the case. Here I get the following, note not all y labels are shown, if I zoom I don’t get any increased granularity (this also applies to the x axis), also the tool tip is less helpful with it not showing a date or a valid y axis label.
Made with `Plots.jl
using Dates, Plots
start_date = DateTime(2021, 1, 1)
rr = rand(100,36)
xaxis = start_date:Dates.Month(1):start_date+Dates.Month(36)
yaxis = 15:115 |> collect .|> string
heatmap(xaxis, yaxis, rr)
How can I produce something like the top figure with