I may have broken Plots.jl and GR.jl by introducing v0.69.1+1 of GR_jll. In particular, you might see an issue when trying to use any GR plugins. For example, the bug creates an issue when using SVG output within VSCode.
The fix is currently on the master branch of GR.jl. Alternatively, you can downgrade GR_jll to v0.69.1+0 via the following commands.
using Pkg
pkg"add GR_jll#fc933dae4a54c49707193e2dcc7df1e5ef201cab"
A new release of GR.jl should be forthcoming in the next few days.
A new release of GR.jl should be forthcoming in the next few days.
As @t-bltg did, the solution to this is not to tell people to use a master version and wait a few days for a new release, it is to immediately yank the faulty version.