Standalone PackageCompiler app with Plots fails with GR_jll error

Putting together an app that displays a plot of results at the end. Unfortunately, the plot never displays at the end. Instead, there is an error message about GR_jll, although I see it listed when it is compiling (see below).

Does anyone know of a workaround or know what’s missing here?

Minimum example:

] generate PlotApp


] activate .
] add Plots

PlotApp.jl has inside it:

module PlotApp

using Plots

function julia_main()::Cint
    a = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

    p = plot(a, label="x", xlabel="xlabel", ylabel="ylabel")
    gui(p)  # display() and @show have same results

    return 0

end # module

After installing PackageCompiler:

# Here I thought lazy artifacts might be necessary but still produces same error
create_app("./", "app"; include_lazy_artifacts=true, force=true)

PackageCompiler: bundled artifacts:
  ├── Bzip2_jll - 2.232 MiB
  ├── Cairo_jll - 13.579 MiB
  ├── EarCut_jll - 678.178 KiB
  ├── Expat_jll - 1.132 MiB
  ├── FFMPEG_jll - 27.893 MiB
  ├── Fontconfig_jll - 3.017 MiB
  ├── FreeType2_jll - 4.737 MiB
  ├── FriBidi_jll - 570.671 KiB
  ├── GLFW_jll - 711.095 KiB
  ├── GR_jll - 30.940 MiB
  ├── Gettext_jll - 19.930 MiB
  ├── Glib_jll - 20.546 MiB
  ├── Graphite2_jll - 696.780 KiB
  ├── HarfBuzz_jll - 6.257 MiB
  ├── JpegTurbo_jll - 4.951 MiB
  ├── LAME_jll - 1.398 MiB
  ├── LERC_jll - 758.367 KiB
  ├── LZO_jll - 1.084 MiB
  ├── Libffi_jll - 205.667 KiB
  ├── Libgcrypt_jll - 6.433 MiB
  ├── Libgpg_error_jll - 2.227 MiB
  ├── Libiconv_jll - 2.245 MiB
  ├── Libtiff_jll - 9.779 MiB
  ├── Ogg_jll - 693.400 KiB
  ├── OpenSSL_jll - 14.619 MiB
  ├── OpenSpecFun_jll - 798.680 KiB
  ├── Opus_jll - 3.208 MiB
  ├── PCRE_jll - 4.222 MiB
  ├── Pixman_jll - 5.945 MiB
  ├── Qt5Base_jll - 83.605 MiB
  ├── Wayland_protocols_jll - 465.663 KiB
  ├── XML2_jll - 7.444 MiB
  ├── XSLT_jll - 2.226 MiB
  ├── Zstd_jll - 3.936 MiB
  ├── libass_jll - 1.424 MiB
  ├── libfdk_aac_jll - 8.899 MiB
  ├── libpng_jll - 1.714 MiB
  ├── libvorbis_jll - 1.385 MiB
  ├── x264_jll - 5.880 MiB
  └── x265_jll - 12.785 MiB
  Total artifact file size: 321.120 MiB
✔ [03m:37s] PackageCompiler: compiling base system image (incremental=false)
Precompiling project...
  134 dependencies successfully precompiled in 952 seconds
✔ [05m:46s] PackageCompiler: compiling incremental system image

Running the app results in the below:

$ ./app/bin/PlotApp.exe

┌ Error: Error importing GR_jll:
│   err =
│    ArgumentError: Package GR does not have GR_jll in its dependencies:
│    - If you have GR checked out for development and have
│      added GR_jll as a dependency but haven't updated your primary
│      environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.
│    - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with GR
└ @ GR C:\Users\username\.julia\packages\GR\DratL\src\funcptrs.jl:42
Your GR installation is incomplete. Rerunning build step for GR package.
┌ Info: Switching provider to GR due to error in depsfile
└   depsfile = "C:\\Users\\username\\.julia\\packages\\GR\\DratL\\deps\\deps.jl"
┌ Warning: GR attempted to rebuild but failed due to LoadError("C:\\Users\\username\\.julia\\packages\\GR\\DratL\\deps\\build.jl", 1, ArgumentError("Package GR does not have Pkg in its dependencies:\n- If you have GR checked out for development and have\n  added Pkg as a dependency but haven't updated your primary\n  environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.\n- Otherwise you may need to report an issue with GR")). Setting ENV["JULIA_GR_REBUILD"] = false.
└ @ GR C:\Users\username\.julia\packages\GR\DratL\src\GR.jl:378
GR was not built correctly and could not be automatically rebuilt.
get(ENV, "JULIA_GR_REBUILD", "true") == false
C:\Users\username\.julia\packages\GR\DratL\src\..\deps\gr is not a directory.
GR_jll could not be loaded.

Run the following commands:

ENV["GRDIR"] = ""
using Pkg;"GR")

Could you try using GR after you ] add Plots?

] generate PlotApp
] add Plots
using GR

and then ] add PackageCompiler and create the PlotApp?

Hits the same error. I also tried recreating the project from scratch with PackageCompiler in the PlotApp project as well with both Plots and GR, with the same result.

The figure gets saved without issue if I comment out the call to gui(), so I’m guessing it’s something to do with window creation or something.