Plots.contourf and PlotlyJS.contour behaviour with regard to the x,y,z input

I have been using PlotlyJS.contour() in a program to plot data, but I need to switch to Plot.contourf().

I use PlotlyJS.contour(x=x,y=y,z=z) such that x::Vector and y::Vector contain the x and y coordinates of the points I want to plot, and z::Vector contains the value to be displayed in color. Note that in my case, x, y and z are 1-dimensional vectors and have the same length N. They are not sorted. To put it in other words, x[k] and y[k] are the plane coordinates of the z[k] value (with k contained in the range between 1 and N). It means that I want to plot z[k] at location (x[k], y[k]) and it is possible that some coordinate combinations of x[i] and x[j] have no corresponding color value (z-value) (i and j in range between 1 and N)

Here lies my problem: the Plot.contourf() does not have the same behavior. It needs x and y to be sorted and takes z::Matrix of size (length(x),length(y)) for the color value.

In the following example, N is 4.

using PlotlyJS
using Plots

x = [1,2,3,1];
y = [1,1,2,2];
z = [1,2,3,4];

#heatmap to assess the fact that some location have no color value (z-axis)
p = PlotlyJS.plot(PlotlyJS.heatmap(x=x,y=y,z=z))
#desired contour plot
p = PlotlyJS.plot(PlotlyJS.contour(x=x,y=y,z=z))

# ---
p = Plots.contourf(x,y,z) # ERROR: Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.

I tried to reformat my input data, but it is not possible as some plane locations are intentionally left unfilled.

Heatmap using PlotlyJS:

Contour using PlotlyJS: