I’m trying to draw a circle in 3D space.
Example code is:
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using Transducers
function _test()
fig = plot()
p = zeros(3)
l = 0.3
body_U = [0, 0, 1]
plot!(fig, circle_shape(p + l*[1, 0, 0], l/2.5, body_U);
st=:surface, opacity=0.25, c=:green,
c: centre
r: radius
h: direction of normal vector
function circle_shape(c, r, h)
normal_vec1 = nothing
while true
rand_vec = rand(3)
normal_vec1 = cross(h, rand_vec)
if norm(normal_vec1) > 0
normal_vec1 = normal_vec1 / norm(normal_vec1)
normal_vec2 = cross(h, normal_vec1)
normal_vec2 = normal_vec2 / norm(normal_vec2)
θs = LinRange(0, 2*π-1e-2, 500)
circle = θs |> Map(θ -> c + r*cos(θ)*normal_vec1 + r*sin(θ)*normal_vec2) |> collect
circle_E = circle |> Map(p -> p[2]) |> collect
circle_N = circle |> Map(p -> p[1]) |> collect
circle_U = circle |> Map(p -> -p[3]) |> collect
circle_E, circle_N, circle_U
But it looks like a cylinder as
What did I do something wrong?
[Note] the result when I don’t specify the seriestype