Is there a way how to plot subplots containing more than one scatter plot?
Here is just example where I tried to put 3 scatter plots into the first subplot:
using PlotlyBase
trace1a = scatter(x=1:3, y=2:4)
trace1b = scatter(x=1:3, y=3:7)
trace1c = scatter(x=1:3, y=10:20)
trace1 = [trace1a , trace1b, trace1c ]
trace2 = scatter(x=20:10:40, y=[5,5,5], xaxis="x2", yaxis="y")
trace3 = scatter(x=2:4, y=200:100:800, xaxis="x", yaxis="y3")
trace4 = scatter(x=4000:1000:6000, y=7000:1000:9000, xaxis="x4", yaxis="y4")
data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]
layout = Layout(
rows=2, columns=2, subplots=[["xy", "x2y"], ["xy3", "x4y4"]],
roworder="bottom to top"
Plot(data, layout)