PlotlyJS: subplots and individual layouts

I am stuck with an apparently simple problem. I am using PlotlyJS v0.18.8, Julia 1.8.1. I have some time series. If I plot each one separately, I have no problem: all layout attributes are fully displayed. For example, the following code will produce the plot below:

function gov()
    trace10_1 = scatter(;x = Date.(period10_1), y = GDP_shares[213:302,4], 
		name = "G/GDP", line_color = "DarkRed", mode = "markers+lines", 
		marker_size = 6, marker_symbol = "circle", line_width = 0.3)

    layout10_1 = Layout(;
			shapes = shape10_1,
			title_text = "Government as % GDP", 
			title_x = 0.5,
			hovermode = "x",
        		yaxis_title = "% points",
        		#yaxis_range=[17.2, 21.5], 
        		titlefont_size = 16)

    fig10_1 = plot(trace10_1, layout10_1)

However, when I use the PlotlyJS syntax to produce subplots, some of the individual layout attributes passed to the plot will be lost. For example, it preserves the correct title, but the hovermode="x" and shapes are gone. The following code, and its associated plot (below), show this problem very clearly:

fig10_5 = [gov() invest()]

If I try to force the inclusion of those two layout attributes by using the relayout! functionality, I succeed with the hovermode="x", but fail concerning shapes. I do not know why hovermode="x" appears now in both subplots, while shapes is only inserted in the first subplot. Code and plot below:

fig10_5 = [gov() invest()]
relayout!(fig10_5, Layout(hovermode="x", shapes = shape10_1))

The funny part is that I need those shapes on multiple subplots.

Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks.

The problem in my previous entry was not reproducible. It was entirely dependent on my data.

Below I present an MWE that can be easily reproducible.

1 - Defining shapes (two rectangles):

shapes1 = rect([5, 25], [10, 30],
                0, 1; fillcolor = "red", opacity = 0.1, line_width = 0,
                xref="x", yref = "paper");

2 - Producing the two individual plots:

function noise1()
    trace1 = scatter(;x=1:40, y=randn(40), name = "some")
    layout1 = Layout(;
	    shapes = shapes1,
	    title_text = "Some noise", 
	    title_x = 0.5,
	    hovermode = "x",
        titlefont_size = 16)
    fig1 = plot(trace1, layout1)

function noise2()
    trace2 = scatter(;x=1:40, y=rand(40), name = "more")
    layout2 = Layout(;
		shapes = shapes1,
		title_text = "More noise", 
		title_x = 0.5,
		hovermode = "x",
        titlefont_size = 16)
   fig2 = plot(trace2, layout2)

3 - Creating the subplots

fig3= [noise1() noise2()]
relayout!(fig3, Layout(; hovermode="x", shapes = shapes1))

The strange problem: why do shapes only appear in the first subplot? How can I force them to be in the second plot as well?

It seems that you are defining subplots using the obsolete style (used in versions <1.8).
Here is the code using the methods make_subplots, and add_vrect!:

using PlotlyJS
fig= make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=["Some noise" "More noise"])
add_trace!(fig, scatter(;x=1:40, y=rand(40), name = "some"),  row=1, col=1)
add_trace!(fig, scatter(;x=1:40, y=rand(40), name = "more"), row=1, col=2)
relayout!(fig, hovermode="x")
add_vrect!(fig,  5, 10,  fillcolor = "red", opacity = 0.2, line_width = 0; row=1, col=1)
add_vrect!(fig,  20, 26,  fillcolor = "blue", opacity = 0.2, line_width = 0; row=1, col=2) 

For details search:


LE: to add x-title for each subplot insert in relayout! the two corresponding kwargs and their values:

relayout!(fig, hovermode="x", xaxis_title="first x-title", xaxis2_title="second x-title")

@empet, thank you so much. Not only it works, but it is also much more intuitive than my version.

Yes, this is an old Pluto notebook I have to use again this year. My code did not work in the past, but I have decided not to let it go this time. You solved the problem.

As far as the official documentation is concerned, thanks to you, I have now realized that one thing is the version still available on the PlotlyJS website here, and the other is the one available on GitHub here. Gosh, such a fantastic package, but maintenance seems to be complicated.

Thanks a lot.