I was having a problem with a plot using the stacked bar mode and thought that I would be doing something wrong. I did not understand why because it used to work in the past. So I tried the example in the PlotlyJS documentation:
using PlotlyJS
function bar3()
trace1 = bar(;x=["giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys"],
y=[20, 14, 23],
name="SF Zoo")
trace2 = bar(x=["giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys"],
y=[12, 18, 29],
name="LA Zoo")
data = [trace1, trace2]
layout = Layout(;barmode="stack")
plot(data, layout)
I was supposed to get this plot:
However, what I get is this (in VScode, Atom and Pluto):
Don’t know what is happening. I am on a Windows 10 machine, using Julia 1.6.4, PlotlyJS v0.18.8, PlotlyBase v0.8.18.
Help will be very much appreciated. Thanks.