Many of my plots are cut off at the top. The commands are
Many of my plots are cut off at the top. The commands are
Could you post the resulting plots? It’s not a common problem, other people will get normal plots with those commands (if they know what T is). You should at least show an example and list your operating system, version info and so forth.
Dear Michael,
I thought I had included the png-output. I attach it again to this mail and hope that it will reach you. I made the lines thick to make the problem clearer, but it also happens for thinner lines.
versioninfo gives:
Julia Version 0.6.2 Commit d386e40c17 (2017-12-13 18:08 UTC) Platform Info: OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0) CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2760QM CPU @ 2.40GHz WORD_SIZE: 64 BLAS: libopenblas (USE64BITINT DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Sandybridge) LAPACK: libopenblas64_ LIBM: libopenlibm LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, sandybridge)
Manually set ylims = (ymin,ymax)
Well yes, one could do this, but if you have many plots of this kind it is not very helpful having to set the limits manually on each individual plot. I already use this as a work around, but I’d rather have a more general solution. I tried to use a top margin, but that will just add white space at the top without resolving the problem.
I do not know of a general solution; what I do in this cases is similar to @ChrisRackauckas advice. To avoid manual setting the limits I use maximum() and a scaling factor, e.g.:
ylims = (minimum(myData), maximum(myData) * 1.1)
That is exactly how I had solved it already. But depending on the data, the constant 1.1 may be good or not.
Thanks for reacting to my post anyways. I guess that matplotlib only looks at the value of the data point and disregards the line thickness. This is a problem if the curve does not have its maximum at one of the end points of the plotting interval.
To elaborate, you could use a function like the following;
function expandlim(dataIn, by=0.05)
oldMin = minimum(dataIn)
oldMax = maximum(dataIn)
delta = oldMax - oldMin
newMin = oldMin - (delta * by)
newMax = oldMax + (delta * by)
return newMin, newMax
This will add 5% (or anything you set with “by=”) of the data range both to the minimum and maximum. So, to plot you use:
For example:
plot(1:10, a, lw=8, ylims=expandlim(a))
I think the long-term solution is for lims to be expanded automatically for line plots, as they already are for scatter. It’s this bit of code that controls it:
You could push for this happening by giving some good arguments here:
I am using windows form of Julia poro and I wrote a code in your programming software. but when i want to run it, i think there is problem which is → ‘‘WARNING: No working GUI backend found for matplotlib’’ .
if you can help me, i could send you my code.
please help me !
Of course there should be two more lines two load the proper packages:
using Plots
y=[1, 9, 9, 1]
Sorry for that.
thank you for youre help.
I am using windows form of Julia poro and I wrote a code in your programming software.
my code name is → ((‘‘dme_simulation_no_pc_hist_match_upwind_2D_appleyard.jl’’)) which this code needs → ((‘‘rel_perms_real.jl’’)) to Run.
(i attached them in this e-mail)
This code do not have any problem in running but after Running, this warning was shown ->(( ‘‘WARNING: No working GUI backend found for matplotlib’’ )) ,and no figures were plotted .i think i have a syntax problem in my coding.