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Gadfly works with a range of units (Geom.label example in Gadfly docs). Width/height (relative) units are from Compose.jl.
import Gadfly: w, h
# just for brevity:
geomlbl = Geom.label(position=:centered)
p1 = plot(x=[0., 1], y=[0.,1], Geom.blank,
layer(x=[0.6w], y=[0.7h], label=["Relative\n units"], geomlbl, Geom.point),
layer(x=[0.1], y=[0.5], label=["Data units"], geomlbl, Geom.point),
# Looks like there is a bug for absolute units :(
# layer(x=[16mm], y=[17mm], label=["absolute\n units"], glbl, Geom.point),
In answer to your other question:
is an example of a non-standard string literal, from Colors.jl.
Another way to set color in Gadfly is to use a [“Group label”] e.g.
y1 = [0.1, 0.26, missing, 0.5, 0.4, NaN, 0.48, 0.58, 0.83]
p2 = plot(x=1:9, y=y1, Geom.line, Geom.point, color=["Item 1"],
linestyle=[:dash], size=[3pt],
layer(x=:1:10, y=rand(10), Geom.line, Geom.point,
color=["Item 2"], size=[5pt], shape=[Shape.square]),
layer(x=:1:10, y=rand(10), color=[colorant"hotpink"],
linestyle=[[8pt, 3pt, 2pt, 3pt]], Geom.line))