So I have updated my configurations in global Git config (they where incomplete before) and now I would like for PkgTemplate to read this information, as is suppose to, the issue is that when I do
t = Template()
it spits out the error
Git: Git hosting service username is required, set one with keyword `user="<username>"`
I know that I could manually write the keyword in Template, but I don’t understand why its not readying the information in my global Git
Which for reference is
(base) Vicentes-MacBook-Pro-5:~ Veenty$ git config --list --show-origin
file:/usr/local/etc/gitconfig credential.helper=osxkeychain
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig user.user=Veenty
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig filter.lfs.required=true
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig core.editor=code --wait
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig merge.tool=vscode
file:/Users/Veenty/.gitconfig mergetool.vscode.cmd=code --wait