ERROR: ArgumentError: Git: Global Git config is missing required value ''

trying to create package:

julia> using PkgTemplates
julia> t=Template(;user=“duselguy”)
julia> t=Template()

but receive the same error above.

.gitconfig contents:

	user = duselguy
	editor = \"C:\\Users\\VladimirF\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\bin\\code\" --wait

P.S. Win 10, julia version 1.7.2

Seems you need to set up your identity though git: Git - First-Time Git Setup

Thank you,
with the correct .gitconfig:

	name = duselguy

it works.
Best regards,

I intentionally do not have my username set in my Git global config, as I need to make sure it is correctly configured per-project; I work under multiple organizations that each require a different Git username. Is there some technical limitation that necessitates a globally-configured username, or does PkgTemplates.jl force the user to do so out of blind pedantry?

A simpler explanation is that none of the developers have had a need for a locally configured username, and that nobody else has volunteered an implementation.